
Use the tax code to maximize returns...Don't fight it!

Effectively reduce capital gains, income, and other taxes by leveraging the unique opportunities presented in the tax code.

Committed to Our Customer's Success

When selling appreciated assets, such as real estate or a business, most times an individual is told to pay far more than is necessary to meet their tax burden. The tax code provides for time-tested and IRS compliant strategies that dramatically reduce your tax burden using unique strategies that leverage the time-power of money. The result is a greatly reduced tax burden and a maximized return.


Selling your property, business or other capital asset without the right advice can be very risky, for two reasons:

  1. Property and business owners are often surprised to learn that their tax obligation when they decide to sell may be even higher than the current 20% federal capital gains tax rate, state rate and the additional 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax brought on by the Affordable Care Act; and,
  2. without a well-crafted tax strategy in place, unnecessary taxes that are being paid will eat away a significantly greater portion of your profits.

Conversely, the 70,000-page tax code is packed with tax benefits that past Congresses and State Legislatures have put on the books. The problem is that most business people have no idea these benefits exist, and no idea how to find them.

We can help you solve the taxes triggered by the sale of a highly-valued residence, investment property, a closely-held business or other qualified capital assets. Even if you are in escrow or are struggling with a 1031 exchange that may soon fail, it may still be possible to solve the tax problem while maximizing your profit when escrow closes.

There is no cost or obligation to you for us to identify the types and amounts of taxes that would be triggered and how to solve them.


All laws apply equally to all businesses. You just need a specialized tax planner to identify the right sections of the tax code that fit your particular circumstances.  Literally hundreds of unique, innovative strategies and state-of-the-art business structures are available to be customized specifically to your business needs. And they can be crafted and installed in various way to provide huge benefits in tax mitigation, asset protection, retirement enhancement and business succession planning.


Thoughtful retirement planning goes far beyond just being sure that your IRAs, 401(k)s and invested assets provide a comfortable income for the rest of your life. It should also include safeguarding your assets from financial abuse and attack by predatory lawsuits. We help to accomplish this by taking advantage of long-standing laws coupled with structures customized to each client that are specifically designed to exempt these assets from financial harm.

Also, it’s a difficult and frustrating process to follow if the estate is not set up properly. Estate planning is unique in that you create the plan but someone else executes it because you’re no longer present. If you are not careful and simply choose to do nothing, then your estate can deteriorate due to legal predators and taxes, robbing your loved ones of inheriting the full results of a lifetime of accumulation.

We can work with you to eliminate most of the headache associated with estate planning and minimize this burden for your family upon your passing. Horizon Tax Advantage has the resources, expertise and experience to help you accomplish any number of estate planning goals. Through visionary strategies, we can devise a plan that partners with the government and uses the tax and estate laws to your advantage so your family’s needs are met without complications during a difficult time.